Posts Tagged ‘Mendoza’

Bikesandwine in Mendoza

Posted: February 28, 2009 by Fei An in South America, Uncategorized
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Mendoza, famous for its wine. An alternative way to discover the huge bodegas that fill the city’s beautiful landscape is by bike. Like real Dutchies we didn’t have to think twice! The weather was extremely good. Hot. 40 degrees. Great weather for biking and wineing. Compared to Santa Cruz and Sao Paulo the sun attack of Mendoza seemed a joke, but coming from cold and icy Holland, Rian had a much harder time fighting the heat. So the only thing she got to taste during the trip was water and dried figs (so her sugarlevel would go up) while Fei and Ellen instead were enjoying the wonderful rosado the area had to offer and in the meanwhile also ate half of Rians fig portion (we swear, she didn’t like it anyway!). It was a truly cool experience to see the source of some Dutch supermarket wines but also painful to see how much we usually pay for it…